Our Lady of

Sacraments of the Catholic Church


First Communion


Sacrament of Reconciliation

Sacrament of Marriage

Sacrament of the Sick




Jesus being baptised

Congratulations on the birth of your new child! A newborn in our midst can lead us to reflect more deeply on the mystery of God’s great love for us. Mystery is not just something we can understand, but an experience so rich that we can keep exploring it and never finish. In mystery, we enter into and are changed by something greater than ourselves. We discover that we are part of a dream greater than anything our imagination can conceive.

The Basics of Baptism

Baptism, the gateway to all the other Sacraments, is the Sacrament through which we become children in God’s family, the Church. In Baptism, we:

• are reborn through water and the Holy Spirit as adopted children of God;

• join Jesus in his death and resurrection as we pass through the water;

• become members of the Church in which the Holy Spirit dwells and acts;

• become disciples of the Lord Jesus;

• are given the pledge of eternal life; and

• are forgiven of sin and transformed into a new creation full of God’s grace.

Preparation for Baptism

When you are ready to have your child baptized, you are asked to contact the Parish Office at least one month in advance of your intended date to register for the Baptism Preparation Session. This session is held the last Tuesday of every month in the Rectory at 7:30 pm. You may ask any questions you have at this time.

The Parents’ Commitment

The celebration of Baptism is the first step in the making of a Christian. Following Baptism, your child begins the journey of Faith toward full membership in the Christian community by the eventual celebration of his/ her First Communion and Confirmation. Parents are asked to nurture the faith life of their baptized child each step along the way. This is the commitment parents make on their child’s baptismal day.

The Role of Godparents

Godparents have a very special role in baptism and in the faith journey of the child. Godparents help the parents so that the child will come to profess the Faith and live by its teachings. All godparents must be baptized Christians and over the age of 16. At least one godparent must be a practicing Catholic who has received all 3 Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation & Eucharist).

What will Happen at the Celebration?

The following is a brief outline of the Rite of Baptism:

1. Reception of the Child. The celebration begins at the entrance of the church. The minister greets the family and the child to be baptized.

2. Liturgy of the Word. The celebration moves to the main body of the church where all present hear God’s Word proclaimed.

3. Preparatory Rites. After a short prayer, the presider will anoint the child with the Oil of Catechumens for spiritual strength.

4. Celebration of Baptism. This includes the blessing of the water, the vows of renunciation, the profession of faith, the Baptism, an anointing with Sacred Chrism, the clothing with a white garment and the lighting and presentation of the baptismal candle.

5. Conclusion. The celebration ends with the Lord’s Prayer, a special blessing and the dismissal. Feel free to take pictures or video record during the celebration. However, we ask that this is done in a respectful manner.